Tag: Skin cancer

  • Foods and skin cancer: on citrus fruits

    We are all aware of the health benefits of consuming vitamin-packed citrus fruit juices such as orange and grapefruit juice. However, recent studies have revealed that too much citrus fruit could actually be detrimental to our health, especially in regards to foods and skin cancer.

  • Skin rashes: all the info you need

    Whether your skin rash is a long-term condition or something that has sprung up out of the blue, it is wise to have an idea of what it might be before you head off to the doctor for treatment. It may be nothing at all; a reaction to something in your environment; the result of…

  • Skin cancer just from driving a car?

    If you have ever wondered how much protection you get from the sun when inside your car, you need to take a look at photos recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine of a 69-year-old truck driver who shows clear evidence that 25 years of driving can lead to damaged skin, simply from…

  • Whitening creams and why they are a very bad idea

    It is one of the quirks of our modern world that many people with pale skins are striving to get the best possible tan (while risking skin cancer) and some people with darker skins are using over the counter lightening creams to achieve pale skin.

  • Melanoma symptoms: the shape of a mole

    Melanoma is the most dangerous form of skin cancer. It is a cancerous growth that occurs when unrepaired DNA damage causes skin cells to mutate. It is often due to ultraviolet exposure from natural sunlight or sunbeds. Melanoma symptoms often resemble moles, which means they can be easy to miss. Some melanomas develop from existing…

  • 8 ways to get your vitamin D (without risking skin cancer)

    We all know that vitamin D is pretty essential to our health. It helps our memory function, our immunity and can even improve your mood. But what we also know is that the main source of vitamin D is sunlight. So if you are concerned about melanoma or skin cancer, you have probably been doing…

  • The delicate balance between vitamin D and skin cancer

    For the last 30 years, we have all had the message drummed into us regarding the dangers of sun exposure and the increased risk of skin cancer. But in recent years it has become clear that some of us are not getting enough of vital vitamin D – something that we all need for our…

  • Skin cancer rising amongst Hispanic and Asian women

    We all know that if we have pale skin, staying out in the sun can be a cause for concern in terms of skin cancer. But what if you have light brown or olive skin? Do you still need to take care when in the sun and keep an eye on any skin abnormalities? The…

  • Olive oil: great on salads, even better on your skin!

    The benefits of olive oil in our diets have long been known. In fact, the olive oil-rich  Mediterranean diet is now being touted as the perfect option for reducing weight and lowering incidences of diabetes and even Alzheimers. But olive oil can also be perfect for using in your skincare routine and may even have…

  • Why coffee may be good for your skin health

    A recent study conducted by the National Cancer Institute at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Yale School of Public Health at Yale University in New Haven shows some rather intriguing correlations between consumption of coffee and skin health. Let’s dive into it:

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