Finding balance in chasing vitamin D and avoiding skin cancer

Finding the balance between healthy exposure to the golden rays and avoiding the harsh realities of the potential skin cancer threats is key to enjoying holidays and warmer climates.

Our need for Vitamin D

Everybody needs vitamin D in order to be able to absorb calcium-phosphorus from the foods that they consume. Vitamin D deficiencies can lead to weak bones, bone deformation, pain, and tenderness. Vitamin D can be obtained through foods such as oily fish, some meats and eggs, though sun absorption is the primary way of maintaining and increasing vitamin D level.

The amount of sun that each person needs in order to maintain healthy vitamin D levels is different for every person. Factors such as the time of year and the natural pigmentation of a person’s skin influence the time needed, but the NHS is keen for all people to recognize that it is imperative to maintain a focus on safe exposure.

UV exposure and skin cancer

The major cause of skin cancer is the sun’s ultraviolet radiation though it is from this same source that we obtain our greatest dose of vitamin D. This is the vitamin that is responsible for promoting strong bones, a healthy body, and increased energy. With such a confusing message, it is evident that there is a need to gain some clarity on how to find a healthy balance between sun exposure and vitamin D intake against the potentially fatal risks.

The Cancer Council of Australia recently published advice to ensure that those enjoying the sundown under could do so safely. The prominent feature of the advice is that sun protection is a necessity, no matter how desperate the need for vitamin D.

Skincare tips: sun protection

Applying sun protection before enjoying the rays needs to be a priority for all, even those who suffer from vitamin D deficiencies. It is true that the sun will increase a person’s level of vitamin D, but prolonged exposure will not lead to prolonged increases in the vitamin. Instead, a person’s levels will remain steady, but their risk of developing skin cancer symptoms will greatly increase.

Recognizing the benefits of healthy levels of vitamin D, whilst observing the risks of exposure to the sun may seem like a difficult balancing act. Ultimately, sensible application of sun protection, a thorough understanding of your own skin and adopting a healthy diet can ensure that you are able to enjoy the sun, whilst maintaining vitamin D levels and minimizing the risk of skin cancer and damage.

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