Category: Library

  • White Spots on the Skin: Causes, Symptoms, Prevention, and Treatment

    New white spots on the skin can trigger an alarm. You may wonder why they suddenly appear, and for what reason. Understanding the most critical causes of depigmentation on the skin is the best way to answer questions and ease fears.

  • How to get rid of white spots on skin

    White spots on skin can look unsightly regardless of the causes and most of us will want to cover them up or get rid of them if at all possible. In some cases, the cause of the spots is out of our control, but in others, prevention may well be the best cure as most…

  • Combination skincare

    If you have combination skin you probably already know it – it will have random dry patches, with oily patches in other places. You will find it hard to find a good skincare routine as treating these two parts of your skin with one product is tricky. Below we will outline the best practice skincare…

  • Skin cancer moles symptoms

    Telling the difference between a cancerous mole and a harmless one is a tricky task and one you don’t want to mess around with. According to the World HealthOrganization, there are about 132,000 new cases of melanoma worldwide each year, and although melanoma only accounts for approximately 1% of skin cancer cases, it is responsible…

  • Superficial spreading melanoma

    Superficial spreading melanoma is considered the most common type of melanoma. It is classified as in situ, which means that it occurs in the uppermost layers of skin.

  • Physical symptoms of melanoma

    Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and one whose risk dramatically increases with sun exposure. Knowing the symptoms of melanoma can be the key to detecting it early and saving your life. Melanoma typically begins as a new mole or skin growth, so its signs are usually visible. Take a look at the…

  • White spots on skin treatment

    White spots on the skin can appear for a wide variety of reasons, ranging from eczema to albinism. The technical word for white spots is hypopigmentation and it occurs when melanocyte cells in the skin become damaged. Melanocyte cells are specialized cells distributed throughout the top layer of our skin (epidermis) responsible for producing melanin,…

  • Skin lesions on legs: common causes

    We typically think of skin lesions showing up on our face, arms or trunk. However, many skin conditions can affect several different areas of the body and some even favor the legs.

  • Melanoma pictures on arm

    The biggest cause of melanoma on the arm is ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This being the case, the areas of our bodies most often exposed to the sun’s rays are at the greatest risk. Our arms are one of these areas, and they’re a part of our body we should take precautions to protect…

  • What is amelanotic melanoma?

    About 6% of all melanomas do not display typical features. Amelanotic melanoma presents itself as a colorless melanoma due to a lack of melanin. For many of us, the ABCDEs of melanoma are synonymous with detection and prevention but amelanotic melanoma often defies this prevention method.

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